Jason Belford “75th Ranger Regiment”

This week in the studio a man who joined the Army in 2005 after taking the ASVAB 3 different times. He has combat deployments with the 10th Mountain Division and the 75th Ranger Regiment, and speaking of combat deployments this guest has a combined 12 deployments that total 66 months (That’s 5 1/2 years in total time) He has served in the 75th Ranger Regiment, 3rd Battalion in all duty positions up to and including First Sergeant. He has competed in the Best Ranger Competition and is currently writing a book that focuses the Operators feelings and the Mental Toll of Managing War and Life. He is focused on the well being of the Soldiers that he has been chosen to lead and has made a true and concerted effort to help with the mental health that has for so long been put on the back burner. He’s here this week to tell his story and prove that just because something is difficult or you fail at it the first time, there is always another chance around the corner. Please welcome Jason Belford…..